Ep. #3: What is a FrontEnd Developer?

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In this episode, we share our perspectives on the must-have knowledge, understanding of frameworks and the kinds skills Frontend Developers need to have today.

Learn more:
- https://frontendmasters.com/guides/learning-roadmap/
- https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS
- https://www.amazon.es/Secrets-JavaScript-Ninja-John-Resig/dp /193398869X

Follow us:
- Chucho Castañeda https://twitter.com/honupo
- Ricard Torres https://ricard.social/@ricard

Creators and Guests

Chucho Castañeda
Chucho Castañeda
Senior Frontend Software Engineer at Cognizant Netcentric
Ricard Torres
Ricard Torres
Principal Frontend Software Engineer at Cognizant Netcentric
Ep. #3: What is a FrontEnd Developer?
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